Bars Against

  • Mon, May 29 at 7:00 PM PDT and 9 more
  • Premier Meat Pies (Renton)
  • Duration: 1 hr 30 min
  • Host: Premier Meat Pies

Starting Monday 4/8! Cards Against Humanity every Monday night 7-8:30 pm. Bring your friends for fun, laughter, special deals and prizes! (Renton location only).

#renton #rentonwa #cardsagainsthumanity #premiermeatpies #bargames #meatpies #downtownrenton

Premier Meat Pies brings to Seattle the warm & comforting traditional flavors that originated in Britain and innovative new combinations from cuisines around the world. We opened our first location in Seattle Center in 2015, and now have four locations.
The next time you’re near the Space Needle or the Seattle Waterfront, or in Renton or Poulsbo, and you’re craving something hearty and delicious, start a new Seattle tradition with a pint & pie.
From traditional Scottish pies to the groundbreaking hatch chile – we’ve got a favorite flavor for everyone!!

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